November 5th is Bonfire Night in the UK. Bonfire Night is also known as Guy Fawkes Night.
People in the UK celebrate Bonfire Night because of the Gunpowder Plot. Bonfire Night is also celebrated in some other countries that used to be British colonies, such as New Zealand and parts of the Caribbean.
On November 5th, 1605, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Their plan was known as The Gunpowder Plot. They failed, and Guy Fawkes and his friends were arrested. They were found guilty, and sentenced to death.
Many people in the UK build bonfires for Bonfire Night. They make life-sized Guy Fawkes dolls, dress them in old clothes, and throw them onto bonfires. Large firework displays are held in towns and cities.
People in the UK celebrate Bonfire Night because of the Gunpowder Plot. Bonfire Night is also celebrated in some other countries that used to be British colonies, such as New Zealand and parts of the Caribbean.
On November 5th, 1605, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Their plan was known as The Gunpowder Plot. They failed, and Guy Fawkes and his friends were arrested. They were found guilty, and sentenced to death.
Many people in the UK build bonfires for Bonfire Night. They make life-sized Guy Fawkes dolls, dress them in old clothes, and throw them onto bonfires. Large firework displays are held in towns and cities.

Because fireworks can be very dangerous, it is against the law in the UK to sell fireworks to children.

Hasta 1859 era obligatorio en el Reino Unido celebrar la salvación del rey, tradicionalmente la celebración incluía espectáculos pirotécnicos y la construcción de hogueras sobre las que se quemaban los Guys, que eran unos peleles con la efigie de Guy Fawkes, el más conocido de todos los conspiradores de 1605. La víspera del 5 de noviembre los niños usaban los Guys para pedir dinero al grito de "A penny for the guy" ("Un penique para el Guy") para comprar pirotecnia.