Friday, 30 April 2010
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Friday, 23 April 2010
ST GEORGE'S DAY Projectbritain
What and when is St. George's Day?
St Georges' Day is on 23 April.
St George's Day is celebrated in England on 23 April, in honour of St George, the patron saint of England.
What does the flag of St George look like?

This is the flag of St George is also the flag of England
Who was St St George?
A story dating back to the 6th century tells that St George rescued a maiden by slaying a fearsome fire-breathing dragon. The Saint's name was shouted as a battle cry by English knights who fought beneath the red-cross banner of St George during the Hundred Years War (1338-1453).
Thursday, 22 April 2010
EARTH DAY Project Britain

April 2010 is the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day.
Earth Day is an annual event that aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for our environment. There are two different observances of Earth Day, both held annually during spring in the northern hemisphere. The United Nations celebrates Earth Day each year on the vernal (March) equinox; while a global observance in many countries is held each year on 22 April.
Facts about Earth
Age: 4.6 billion years old (Life as we know it, has only existed on the planet for the last 150 million to 200 million years)
Position: 3rd planet from the sun.
Size: 5th largest planet in our solar system.
Diameter: The Earth has an average diameter of 12,742 kilometers. (7,926 miles)
Earth is the only planet in the Solar System to have water in its three states of matter: as a solid (ice), a liquid (sea, rain, etc.) and as a gas (clouds).
The length of time it takes for Earth to orbit the Sun is 365 and a quarter days. To make up this extra quarter which isn't counted at the end of a year, we have an extra day every four years on 29th February.
Earth travels through space at 66,700 miles per hour.
The centre of the Earth, its core, is molten. This means that it is liquid rock which sometimes erupts onto the surface through volcanic eruptions. This core is 7,500°c, hotter than the surface of the Sun!
Earth is the only planet in the Solar System not to be named after a mythical God.
Only 29% of the surface is actually 'earth.' The rest of the planet's surface (71%) is made up of water.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Si juegas solo:
1. Pulsa sobre la imagen que quieres deletrear.
2. Pulsa sobre la primera letra de la palabra con el ratón. La ruleta girará y la letra que has pulsado quedará arriba.
3. Pulsa de una en una el resto de las letras que componen la palabra. Pulsa “Submit” cuando hayas terminado.
4. Si piensas que te has equivocado pulsa “Clear” y empieza a deletrear la palabra de nuevo.
5. Si la has deletreado correctamente la imagen se hará más grande y aparecerá la palabra. Si te has equivocado aparecerá “Sorry, Try Again” (Lo siento, inténtalo otra vez). Intenta deletrear la palabra otra vez.
6. Si no eres capaz de deletrear la palabra correctamente y quieres ver como se escribe, pulsa “Show Me The Word” (Enséñame la palabra).
Si juegas con un amigo:
1. Desafía a un amigo para que deletree la imagen que tú elijas. Si tu amigo deletrea la palabra correctamente gana un punto.
2. Si tu amigo la deletrea mal, te toca a ti, y si la deletreas bien ganas un punto.
3. A continuación te desafía tu amigo. El primero que alcanza 10 puntos es el ganador.